About the Trainer
About the Trainer
Muhammad Al-Yahya began mastering dealing with the Financial Markets in 2012, when he realized that he was able to achieve sustainable and continuous profits over the past 3 years, After more than 6 years of learning, researches, and joining various courses locally and internationally , whether by personal attendance, distance learning, or gaining experience by friction with people. Over those years, Muhammad, like any trader, went through many obstacles and challenges, was exposed to various types of losses, and faced many frustrations and pressure, whether from the market itself with repeated errors and large losses, or from the surrounding society, which was expecting a lot from him.
Intensive Personal Training Phase
After that arduous and strenuous journey, Muhammad saw his ability to systematize that journey, and put it in a simple and easy learning template through intensive and special training programs, with the help of experts in the field from around the world, taking into account the nature of society and culture and the level of awareness of traders locally. Considering and convinced that traditional training courses are outdated, and when the material is related to money and trading skills, a week or 3-day course in technical analysis will not solve the problem, and will not provide much, but may increase information without knowing how to benefit from it and apply it on the ground. So the special and intensive training programs, which include the scientific material that the trader needs in the financial markets exactly, without additions or deductions, then the practical material and seeing how to apply, then the applied material where the trainee himself applies the application in front of the trainer and confirms his understanding of the material. Finally, practice and contact with the trainer and gain confidence in applying all that has been learned through virtual rooms on the Internet with the trainer.
Direct OnlineTraining Stage
However, the benefits of special programs are limited, as each trainee takes more than a month to train, and it is difficult to train more than one or two trainees at the same time, and not all trainees can attend the lessons in Riyadh. Then the second phase began, which is the presentation of special courses online, where the program is presented through virtual rooms for about 15 trainees at one time, and the same material is presented with modern methods required by the stage. Distance education has its own skill and distinctive tools to be able to communicate the information correctly to the trainee. Lessons are recorded and sent to the trainee for reference and re-watching, communication with the continuous trainer through training groups on Telegram, asking questions and confirming understanding, attending applied lessons after the course and following up on the trainee’s performance and correcting the course.