THE SECRET IN TRADING SUCCESS .. summarizes the scientific and applied method that we know in Better Trend network and bieng used as the source material in training activities presented by the Coach Mohammed Al-Yahya, currently the book is written in Arabic Language, soon will be transulated to other languages. The book provides a summary of the important basics that a trader should be familiar with. It enables the reader to learn the basics of trading and the basic pillars that make the trader professional in any financial market .. The book revolves around learning the following: - The mental and psychological state and the identification of the way of thinking of the mind and how to program the subconscious mind on the behaviors that help him in making the correct logical decisions and away from the behaviors that lead him to make emotional decisions. - Portfolio management, trade management, risk management, and identification of the method to defin the risk tolerance for the trader, according to his mental and psychological state, the size of his portfolio, his personality and the market in which he deals. - Simple technical analysis using the price action method, by reading price behavior and identifying technical models that give results with a high success rate, and then using accurate entry models for trades according to specific and known entry conditions. - An easy and conservative strategy for trading stock marketa that a trader can employ to serve his trading plan according to the profit margin that suits him. The book is written by Eng. Mohammed AbdulRahman Al-Yahya Tashkeel for Publishing and Distribution Book Price: 92 Riyals (not including VAT or shipping and delivery)
كتاب رائع و اسلوب واضح لكل من ارده الدخول في أسواق المال
كتاب رائع و اسلوب واضح لكل من ارده الدخول في أسواق المال